Kickoff Networking Breakfast

Please join the Essex County Estate Planning Council on Sept. 26, from 7:30 - 9am, to kick off the 2018-2019 season with a networking breakfast at Spinelli's.
Get to know fellow Council members and members of the ECEPC Board of Directors, who will take a few minutes to discuss upcoming programming, initatitves and aways you can get involved, in addition to answering any questions you might have about the Council. We hope you can join us.
Registration is required for this event. Members that have renewed for the 2018-2019 membership year ($299 for all members this year) may register at no additional cost. Guests are $45; please register and pay for your guests online.
If you have not yet renewed your ECPEC membership, please do so online before the event. You may also renew your membership by credit card on the day of the event.
Renew Membership |
We hope to see you on Sept. 26!