ECEPC Golf Outing

Join the ECEPC for a Round of Golf at the Award-Winning Bass Rocks Golf Course!
October is a great time for golf. Four Essex County Estate Planning Council Members, who also belong to the Bass Rocks Golf Course in Gloucester, have arranged for play for a limited number of fellow ECEPC members on this fun and challenging seaside course on Thursday, Oct. 8.
This is an exciting addition to the ECEPC calendar of events. This is not a tournament, nor is it geared to be highly competitive. We hope this is an opportunity to enjoy a beautiful venue, relax and network with friends, and perhaps make new acquaintances. The plan is to have lunch, decide on foursomes, enjoy a lovely fall day of golf at an oceanside course, and possibly enjoy refreshments afterwards. Lunch and refreshments are optional.
Bass Rocks strongly encourages golfers to walk the course, but electric carts are also available, as are “trolleys” if you’d like to push instead of carry your golf bag.
Golf members Chet Marcus, Jim Rich, Charles Nahatis, and Dave McKechnie are excited to show off their links-style, award-winning course. Lockers, driving range, chipping areas and putting greens are available for pre-golf practice, as is a friendly and helpful staff of professionals.
There are a limited number of spots available for this casual and fun event. If you are interested in playing, please email ECEPC administrator, Michelle Xiarhos Curran, at
Thank you. And we hope to see you on the golf course!