Essex County Community Foundation: New Efficiency and Effectiveness for Estate Planners

Please join the Essex County Estate Planning Council for our Sept. 16, 2014 event, Essex County Community Foundation: New Efficiency and Effectiveness for Estate Planners, featuring speaker David Welbourn, President and CEO of Essex County Community Foundation.
The Essex County Community Foundation manages charitable funds for donors and provides grants, services and education to nonprofit leaders to improve the effectiveness and capacity of nonprofit organizations serving Essex County, Massachusetts.
The ECCF family of FundHolders has grown to 150 and has now invested nearly $50 million in nonprofits here and around the world. Donor-Advised Funds are proving very effective for families and companies that want to make their giving easier, more effective and more private. Learn about the many advantages financial managers and estate planners find in their relationships with ECCF.
Registration is required for this event.
Fees are as follows: Members and first-time guests of members, $35; Non-members, $60.
Payment may be made online, at the door, or by check made out to the Essex County Estate Planning Council and mailed to:
About Our Speaker
David Welbourn has focused his career on developing resources for the growth of nonprofit institutions. He joined ECCF in the Spring of 2008 after a long service as Senior Vice President of the Lahey Clinic, and was previously in senior leadership at the University of Vermont and Tufts. David has raised a half-billion dollars in his career, and now teaches philanthropy and governance as a consultant for a variety of organizations, which is how he became engaged with ECCF. Dave lives with his wife, Lynn, in Andover, while their grown kids live in Boston, Seattle and Shanghai, and they share longstanding interests in many of the issues that ECCF supports.